This series has been a long wish of mine. In my experience and judging from my own practice there is never enough emphasis on the rhythmic side of the playing. Considering that we are spending most our time comping and the only common junction between everybody we play with is the rhythm. It is almost the single strongest skill we need to succeed. (apart from not being a total douche.)
After only two of the sessions I find myself thinking stuff like this: "Am I in time at all time?", "Are my downstrokes and upstrokes equal or does on push or pull the time?", "Am I grooving with just a metronome?", "Do I have enough rhythmic vocabulary to see me through a couple of minutes of soloing?" and most of all I am thinking: "What is the quality of the sound I am producing in the context of the style I am playing in?"
What are your thoughts and if, how have the sessions influenced your own practice?
I'll post a video of my practice over the weekend and see what you are thinking. Please post your little practice clips and share your experience on here.
Happy playing to you all,
I was messing around with some practice ideas from Carters sessions, I found it quite challenging since the drm loop does cycles 4 and 8 bars and to keep it tidy. Still plenty of work left but feels great to get stuck into it with grooves and part ideas. Looking forward to seeing some of the stuff you guys are working on.